I tried to turn on the car heating / preconditioning last night from the VW app but kept getting a msg to say the car wasn’t connected to the internet, so I put it down to where it was parked (open air train station car park, but it was tucked away in a corner). NB my previous EV had no problem in the same spot.
This morning I went to get in and the preheating had failed to activate for the preset departure time (it’s shown in the app and in the infotainment system as should have preheated for 06:15) again I was getting a notice on the iOS app & in car that there was no internet connection, however there is great mobile signal where I live and it had worked flawlessly the previous morning.
Anyone having / had any issues with their cars internet connection that can offer any suggestions? Not that I would expect the internet connectivity to also affect the programmed departure time heating but wondering if it’s connected somehow….
As a side note, I also tried to connect it to my home WiFi while I was sat in it waiting to defrost this morning and it would not connect at all, despite my home WiFi showing as a strong signal